Microwave Attenuation Measurements With Accuracies From 0 . 0001 to 0 . 06 Decibel Over a Range of 0 . 01 to 50 Decibels
The a ppli cation of cer tain power stab ili zation a nd measure men t tec hniqu es to t he problem of attenuation measurement has y ielded a measureme nt syste m wit h a stab ili ty a nd resolu t ion of t he o rder o f 0.0001 decibel. A pract ical a ppli cation fo r t his tech nique was rece nt ly provided in t he calibrat ion of a rotary vane type of varia b le microwave attenu ata I' . In ord er to take co mplete adva ntage of t his increased stab il ity it was necessary to apply refin ed techniq ues to t he evaluation a nd redu ction of m is matc h error . Th is pro ved to be by fa r t he most exactin g p ract ical applicatio n of t he cited tec hn iques enco unte red to date, but t he res ults o f t his cali b rat ion showed exce ll e nt agree men t wi t h t he mat hematically p red icted values used in ma rk ing t he atte nu ato r dia l.
منابع مشابه
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